My business partner approached me a little over a year ago (we own a Marketing/Advertising firm). She said that I was a great resource for women entering menopause because I’d been through it and I wasn’t afraid to offer helpful information in a painless manner. Hell I could even make these women laugh. She reminded me that menopause is a huge avoidance category and that even the most intelligent women wait too long before educating themselves on some critical issues.
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Yesterday was a tough day. I received some information that upset and unnerved me. I was a little freaked out and totally stressed.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve experienced night sweats. I’ve never had them on a regular basis and they’ve never been all that severe in my case. Last night they were brutal. I woke up several times feeling soaked and needing to be toweled off. I’ve never had a night like that before.
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Dear Mom,
I want you to know how very fortunate I feel to have had you with me for all these years – 54 and counting. Especially since you lost your own parents before your 30th birthday. That also means that you didn’t have a hands-on role model in dealing with an adult daughter. I think you’ve struck an excellent balance in your role as my friend, teacher, mentor and yes even sometimes tormentor.
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