I may not be a fashionista, but I am definitely a fashionREALista!
It all hit me this morning while I was going through the daily ritual of dressing myself for the office. Now, I am in a business which allows more latitude than many – but it’s also a very young business and that can be a challenge for a menopausal woman.
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Sleep Problems. Oh yeah, that’s another menopausal symptom. When you read about menopause you invariably read about the sleeping problems that go with the territory.
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I’ve noticed in perusing various sites frequented by the “menopausal set” that issues about dressing are uppermost on everyone’s mind. The majority of us want to dress hip and chic without trying to look as though we think we’re still 20 something. After all – so many of us are still in the workplace – unlike generations of menopausal women who came before us. The rest of us just want to be comfortable without looking like something that slept in a dumpster. Is that too much to ask? Read the rest of this entry »
There are many of you who are proud to announce that you have “never had a symptom and found menopause to be a breeze”. That’s true. I hear it occasionally. To add insult to injury most of you have never experienced an ounce of weight gain during your menopausal episode – and that’s when I really start to get cranky. But to be fair you should feel good about escaping from the horrors that are visited on the many. Read the rest of this entry »