
Losing weight and feeling great
Life is good when you see those first real results.
There are two sides to the weight equation – the up side and the down side. When you’re on the up side – as in gaining weight – nothing is good. When you’re on the down side life is good again.
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I went through a period of about seven years when I could eat anything I wanted
I like to eat. I have a tendency to gain weight. I like to be thin. That is the unholy trinity that puts most women on a lifetime rollercoaster of torturous emotional self-abuse.
It’s also the deadly threesome that causes young women to throw their lives away to anorexia, bulimia and a plethora of other forms of physical self-abuse. So it’s damn serious. Read the rest of this entry »
10 years ago if you asked me for my thoughts on retirement I would have said “it’s not for me. They’ll have to bury me with my desk.”
Now, not so much. Don’t get me wrong – I still view myself as young and vibrant – but after all these years of 9 to 5 I could use a break.
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We all know and fear the dreaded muffin top.
But did you know that there is also a faux muffin top which can be almost as devastating? Actually, I just created the term “faux muffin top” to describe a phenomenon which has recently come to my attention.
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You’ve got to admire her resilience. She’s pushing 60 and constantly battling weight issues but that doesn’t keep her down!
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I know after years of marriage they tend to tune us out at least as much as we tune them out!
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I mean we know that entering menopause is likely to cause our internal temperature to fluctuate – but this is getting ridiculous!
The worst time for me is in the morning. I wake up and experience several “heat waves.” Now I’m not talking about hot flashes – these are just momentary spikes in my body temperature. Doesn’t sound bad? Well think again!
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I logged on to Vibrant Nation to see what was up and once again saw their credo “What Women 50+ Know” and it gave me pause for thought.
Women 50+ know everything. But we so often doubt ourselves. Why?
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The past few days have lured us with the promise of spring.
And it’s been great! The first sign of spring changes everything. The bear comes out of hibernation and shakes off the winter doldrums and the menopausal woman, who we know is north of 45, becomes a young girl again. Read the rest of this entry »
Make-Up can be tricky.
I learned at an early age, like so many of us, that a woman is not “finished” until she applies her make-up. Is that an old wives’ tale, or an urban myth? Is that society twisting the minds of young girls? Yes and no. I do feel unwanted pressure to apply make-up – although it’s pressure I’ve learned to put on myself. But there’s no denying that I look a whole hell of a lot better with make-up than without!
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