About Menologues
Why would anyone want to write about experiences with and observations about menopause? Let’s face it; it’s not exactly something for which you’d want to be “known.” Oh hi, I’m the popular folk expert on getting old! No, that really hasn’t been my lifelong dream. But lately I’ve seen a number of strong, intelligent women feel embarrassed and confused and unearthing their vulnerability and feelings of inadequacy about the same thing – menopause. A lot of them have asked me for help because they know I’ve been through it, I have strong opinions (that might be an understatement), and I’ve been known to speak out. I also believe that trying to find the humor can be the necessary element in getting us through many ordeals. Here’s the really weird thing – these women genuinely want to know what to expect and what to do – but they want no part of existing textbooks and articles and they don’t initiate deep and meaningful conversations with their doctors (very often they’re not even talking to their friends). And I can see why. It’s kind of the same reason we don’t all do a lot of research on dying. Not to mention that once you do the research on menopause you find anything but a clearly delineated path forward. What you find are a complicated set of varying opinions, all of which come with a set of terrifying possibilities. So how does anyone work their way through this labyrinth? You have to find a voice that you can trust. And then you have to be willing to trust your own instincts.

Does this mean that my voice will be the one that you trust? Possibly. Or maybe you’ll just find my simplicity engaging. There’s only one way to find out. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Robin Donovan and I’ve learned some things about menopause through my own experience. Menologues is where I share my observations, experiences and feelings so that you’ll feel less alone in your journey. I’ll talk about what has and hasn’t worked for me as well as the experiences of some people I know. I don’t pretend to be a medical professional so I will always direct you to find a doctor – just be sure to find the right one. And be proactive every step of the way. Reading Menologues should be like talking to a close friend. It will arm you with anecdotal information that might help you formulate questions for your doctor or just feel less alone. It’s meant to entertain you, make you think, and encourage you to trust your instincts.
Now, you’re probably wondering about the kind of background that would bring me to this juncture. I graduated from college and spent three years as a high school English teacher. Fancying myself a writer, I tried to get into an advertising agency writing copy. Although I did get into the agency – my writing was relegated to media plans – never prose. I’ve spent the past 28 years in ad agencies on the East Coast and in the Midwest. In 2001, I was given the unique opportunity to be part of the group that purchased the Bozell advertising agency brand. And I’m here at Bozell today. In addition to my work at Bozell, I live with my husband of 30 years and my three bulldogs (one English and two Olde Englishe).
So why opt for a blog? After careful consideration, it became clear that this audience would best be reached through an online venue since 42 million women are engaged in social media weekly and 55% of them participate in some form of blogging activity. The more interactive this experience the better it will be for all of us. So chime in – your opinion is important to me and will help to formulate a stronger Menologues for everyone.